「We Are Global Citizens」SDGs全英系列活動,報名開始囉!


📢「We Are Global Citizens」SDGs全英系列講座通知 📢





🔗 https://forms.gle/TwQrdw2DFPFLQ4Na7


📢Exciting News 📢


✨We are happy to introduce our international and local experts for the GCED workshop at NTUE! Join us for free to learn from these experienced speakers advocating for Global Citizenship Education and its classroom applications alongside our experts.

✨Most excitingly, don't miss the field trip to an elementary school in rural Yilan County and the opportunity to contribute as a co-author to our upcoming Teacher Guide Book based on workshop outcomes.

✨There is also an opportunity for students to showcase their learning outcomes with the entire campus community in June.

✅Sign up now!

🔗 https://forms.gle/TwQrdw2DFPFLQ4Na7