

International Master's Program of Learning & Instruction

【全英工作坊English Workshop】解鎖教師的創新教學百寶箱Enhancing Learning Environments: A Holistic Approach to Curriculum Design and Implementation報名開始囉!


時間Time:2023年12月23日 (Sat) 9:00-16:00

地點Venue:NTUE 藝術館 M507

主講人:郭依鷺 (美國芝加哥大學東亞語言和文化學系教學副教授Associate Instructional Professor, University of Chicago, USA)

  • 背景:在美國大學從事十五年的華語教學工作
  • 教過的科目:華語初級班、中級班、高級班、初級華裔班
  • 專長:華語文教材教法、華語測驗設計、科技融入教學



  • 學習風格和策略的對應教學:探討教師如何回應學生的多元學習風格和策略。
  • 逆向設計:學習設定清晰的教學目標,並與評量和教學方法相互配合。
  • 科技的運用:結合各種科技工具來提升教學效果。
  • 解決棘手問題:解決教育環境中常見挑戰的各式方法。


Presenter: Yi-Lu Kuo, Associate Instructional Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago, USA

  • Background: teaching Chinese as a foreign language in American universities for 15 years
  • Taught subjects: Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced Modern Chinese, First-Year Chinese for Heritage Students
  • Specialties: Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language, design of language assessment, integrating technology into teaching

Workshop topic: Enhancing Learning Environments: A Holistic Approach to Curriculum Design and Implementation


This interactive workshop is your gateway to a comprehensive approach to curriculum design and implementation, incorporating Styles-and Strategies-Based Instruction, Backward Design, technology integration, and effective management of challenging issues in educational settings. It combines theory with practical, hands-on activities to equip educators with the tools they need to excel in the dynamic field of education.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Styles- and Strategies-Based Instruction: Explore how diverse learning styles and learning strategies can elevate the learning experience.
  • Backward Design: Learn the art of setting clear learning objectives and aligning assessments and instructional methods.
  • Technology Integration: Discover how to harness technology to enhance teaching and learning.
  • Navigating Sticky Issues: Gain strategies on managing common challenges encountered in educational environments.

報名連結:https://forms.gle/mbLCfqGd6FdkomMG8 (本工作坊可核蓋師培章)
