International Conference “Learning and instruction in bilingual context”
Due to the number of submissions, the announcement of the accepted abstract list will be postponed.
• 審查結果公告:原訂 113年09月23日 (星期一),調整為 10月4日 (星期五)。
• 發表註冊截止:原訂 113年10月14日 (星期一),調整為 10月18日 (星期五)。
Here are the updated deadlines:
•Announcement of Abstract Acceptance Results:
The date has been changed from Monday, September 23, 2024, to Friday, October 4.
• Registration Deadline for Presenter:
The date has been changed from Monday, October 14, 2024, to Friday, October 18.
《Starting now》
開放報名及投稿了~ 「雙語情境中的學習與教學」國際研討會,即將在今年的11/09登場! 邀請您一同與我們面對面的分享討論! This year, the international conference of “Learning and instruction in bilingual context” With new categories and a brand new experience of face-to-face conference, 研討會日期Date of Conference 11/09 (SAT) 09:30〜17:00 @國立臺北教育大學 即日起開放摘要投稿和與會報名The registration system is open now 摘要投稿截止Deadline of abstract submission 09/16 (MON)12:00(noon) 審查結果公告Date of abstract acceptance announcement 09/23 (MON)12:00(noon) 發表註冊截止Deadline of registration for Presenters 10/14 :(MON)12:00(noon) 與會報名截上Deadline of registration for Participants 11/01 (FRI)12:00(noon) #國際研討會#雙語教學#教育#IMPLAI#LIBC |
《徵稿表單》 《與會表單》