

International Master's Program of Learning & Instruction




International students scholarship in NTUE

NTUE Scholarship aims to recruit outstanding students of foreign nationality to study at NTUE and promote academic internationalization by way of encouraging and rewarding our international students who excel academically.
This NTUE Scholarship will offer excellent students living expense NTD 6,000-8,000 per month; the maximum length of this scholarship is 2 academic years for master programs.
Please check here for detailed scholarship regulations. (Chinese)


Outstanding Student Scholarship 

Tuition and miscellaneous fee waiver; the maximum length of this scholarship is 2 academic years for master programs.Each grade level receives a subsidy of NT$20,000 per year.According to students' academic performance and attendance in the first semester, scholarships will be awarded based on three rankings (1st place: $8,000, 2nd place: $7,000, 3rd place: $5,000).
Please check here for detailed scholarship regulations. ​(Chinese)

Graduate Students Scholarship:
Full-time graduate students in the first and second grades of a master's degree program, the academic
performance of the previous semester must be above 80. The academic affairs committee will decide on the candidate and amount.
Please check here for detailed scholarship regulations. ​(Chinese)


Governmental scholarships

Ministry of Education in Taiwan provides information regarding scholarships in Taiwan and relevant regulations.